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Количество сообщений : 182
Дата регистрации : 2006-09-13

Рабита Empty
СообщениеТема: Рабита   Рабита Icon_minitimeПн Окт 16, 2006 5:00 pm

as Salamu aleykum
Сайид Абдульхаким Арваси (рахматуЛЛахи Тааля алейх), в книге "Посещение святынь" (Рабиталь-Шарифа)
Рабита это: связь в сердце и удержание в воображении образа лица вали, достигшего состояния мушахада, в его присутствии или отсутстви.........
То, что улама Бухары, Хивы, Самарканда и Индии (rahmat-Allahi ta'ala 'alaihim ajmain) единодушно объявили и выполняли и приказали, чтобы их студенты выполнили рабита с 200, по 1200г A.H. - и это самая большое поддержка/подтвержение и доказательство (документ) относительно нашего утверждения.
Попытка искать опровержение этого означало бы оскорблять, и даже клеветничать на миллионы Исламских улама, которые жили на огромном континенте Азии в течение больше чем одной тысячи лет. Их книги, дошедшие до нас показывают, какими они были улама, и что большинство из них было большими аулия.

а также там написано
"Аль Бухари написал [в его Сахих], что Абу-Бакр ас-Сиддык (radi-Allahu 'anh) сказал, что Посланник Аллаха(алейхи саляму ва саллям) никогда не отлучался из его сердца, и он (алейхи саляму ва саллям) занимал его разум так много, что Абу Бакр жаловался, что образ Посланника Аллаха(алейхи саляму ва саллям) был в его памяти, даже когда он был в туалете.
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Количество сообщений : 182
Дата регистрации : 2006-09-13

Рабита Empty
СообщениеТема: Re: Рабита   Рабита Icon_minitimeЧт Янв 18, 2007 10:51 pm

Нашел список ученых, которые поддержали рабиту. Имена, видно, писал турок- так что написано с турецким акцентом.

Sufyani Thawri, Erdebili, Salih Ibnul Mubarek, Suhrawardi, Imam of Hanefi Ubaydullah Ahrar es-Semerkandi, Hanafi Faqih Muhammed Zahid el-Kawsari, Allame Jami, Allame Nablusi, Allame Abdurrauf el-Munawi, Imam Sharani and Hadimi, Saduddin Teftazani, Allame Seyyid Sherif Jurjani, Allame Mewlana Abdurrahman el-Fadhil el-Jami, Allame Muhammed Ibni Said el Hadimi, Hanafi Imam Allame Ahmed ibni Muhammed Hamewi, Arifibillah Tajuddin Ibni Zakariyya el-Hanefi el-Hindi el-Osmani (ks),İbn-i Kemal el-Vezir,Firuzâbâdî,Imam Nejmuddîn-i Kübrâ, Abdülhakîm Seyâlekûtî, Allâme İbn-i Abidîn, İsmail Hakkı Bursevî, Âlim-i kâmil Ârif-i Billah İbrahim Hakkı Erzurumî, Leader of 70.000 Awliya Mujaddidi Alfi Thani Alimi Amil Imam Rabbani es-Seyyid Ahmed el-Faruki's Serhendi, Shaykhulislam Hirewi all those great Ulama did accept Rabita

А так-же он привел высказывания некоторых из шейхов насчет рабиты:

Muhammed Osman el-Medeni is proofing this truth in his book "Basiretus Salikin" in the 15. Chapter, where he says, that Rabita is in all Tariqahs:
"You have to know; the one who says: Rabita is only in the Halidiyya Tariqah, is a lier and is speaking against the truth and the Tassawwuf Books.
In the Book of the Kadiri Tariqah, which is well known and called Mafatihul Gayb is written: "From the ways of Rabita, Dhikr and Meditation is this a different way."

Abdulwahab es-Sharani(ks) says in his Book "El-Bahru'l Mewrud": "The Murids which are not indulgently in the Rabita, have a promise from us, that we know them. We know our Murids when they face our Heart Mirrors and so we know those, who did turn away and not."

From the Shazali Tariqah Great Shaykh and Wali Hilmi Efendi (ks) wrotes the 7 Adab of Dhikr in his Book "Telhisul Me'arif" and he says to the last adab:
"You have to imagine the appereance of the shaykh between your eyebrowns, and this is the strongest adab."(Hasan ibni Muhammed Hilmi, Telhisu'l-Me'arif, p.146)

A Shaykh of the Shazali, Ibn Ataullah esh-Shazali (ks) says in his Book "Mifathul Felah fi Adabiz zikr": "The one which is in an education of a Shaykh has to imagine the appereance of his Shaykh between his eyes, because he is a friend and a leader on the spiritual way. The first time he starts with dhikr, he calls him to help and has to believe, that he is calling Rasulullah (sa) to help, because the shaykh is the representative of him." (Dusari er Rahmetul Habita, Mektubat-i Hamishi 1/267)

Master Nadwi is describing his shaykh as: "An Alim like an ocean, one of rare ones which are wellknown in the Hanafiyya Fiqh".
His Shaykh was "Ahmed Riza el-Kaderi" (ks) and he wrotes in his Book "El-Wazifatul Qarimah":
The Murid is turning his Body in a room, where is silence and where he is alone, to the house of his Shaykh. If this one is already dead, he is turning his body to his grave and he imagines with high respect the appereance of his Shaykh. He believes strongly that he is with the Shaykh and that from the Shaykh to him flows the Barakah and Noor of Rasulullah(sa). With this imagination, he becomes so strong, that he never need any struggle. After all, the appereance of the shaykh will be seen by the Murid and he will have no problems and struggles on this way." (Ahmed Riza, el-wazifatul qarimah, p.36)

Imam-I Azam Abu Hanifa says in his "Qasida-i Maymuna-i Mubaraka" or called "Durru Meknun":
"Oh Efendi! I have a heart which is very bound on you, and I have a soul which is full with your love."
"When i dont speak, Im thinking on you in my silence
and when I speak, then I'm praising you."
"When I hear about you, I only hear wonderful Things
and where I look, I always only see YOU!" (ed-Durrul Meknun, Beyt N.43-45) This shows the Rabitah of this great Mujtahid.

Sayyidut Taifa Junayd al-Baghdadi says about Rabita:
"The shortest way to reach the target, is imagining of the appereance of the shaykh and to learn the spiritual things from him. So the Murid is destroying hisself in the Murshid." (Aziz Mahmud Hudai in his Jamiul Fezail we Kamiur Rezail)
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